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时间:2024-04-26   浏览:2次

1、没什么特别的,只是特别想你。 Nothing special, just miss you so much. 2、我呆在阳台,只有你看不到我在看你。 I stay on the balcony, only you can't see me looking at you. 3、后来的爱成为一首歌,变成音符,歌声。 Later love became a song, into a note, a song. 4、我想买一块地,买你对我的死心塌地。 I want to buy a piece of land. I want to buy your heart set on me. 5、初时只作乍见之欢,日后惊于久处不厌。 At the beginning, he was only happy at first sight, but later he was surprised at a long time. 6、我正搁浅在爱情过敏的季节,是对你的思念。 I am stranded in the season of love allergy, is missing you. 7、我只爱你三天,今天,明天,每天。 I only love you three days, today, tomorrow, every day. 8、也许是玫瑰的香味,让我尝到了爱的滋味。 Maybe it's the fragrance of rose that makes me taste the taste of love. 9、我好喜欢被你,征服的感觉。 I love being conquered by you. 10、有一种真挚的表白,伴你一世。 There is a sincere confession, with you all my life. 11、想喝你喝酒是假的,想醉你怀里是真。 Want to drink you drink is false, want to drunk your arms is true. 12、在你不喜欢自己的时候,让我喜欢你吧。 Let me like you when you don't like yourself. 13、跟我谈恋爱可以,但我要甜甜的那种。 It's OK to fall in love with me, but I want the sweet one. 14、不用给我什么,有你,就够了。 Don't give me anything. You're enough. 15、真羡慕你,有我这个傻瓜一直爱着你。 I envy you. I love you all the time. 16、我是例外,你是我的例外。 I'm the exception. You're my exception. 17、伤悲春秋多吟咏,春秋吟咏是伤悲。 Sad spring and autumn chant, spring and autumn chant is sad. 18、我将一山冬雪,都藏进看你的眼睛。 I will be a mountain of winter snow, hidden in your eyes. 19、我喜欢你,就像地震,一波未平余波又起。 I like you, just like the earthquake, a wave not even, the afterwave rises again. 20、让清风化为我的笑,抚慰你驿动的心。 Let the breeze turn into my smile and comfort your moving heart. 21、地球和太阳,都不是宇宙的中心,你才是。 Neither the earth nor the sun is the center of the universe. You are. 22、你是我漫漫余生里,斩钉截铁的梦想。 You are my dream for the rest of my life. 23、我宁愿他欠我的,也不愿他欠别人的。 I would rather he owed me than he owed others. 24、也许世界不会对你很温柔,但是,我会。 Maybe the world will not be very gentle to you, but I will. 25、这世间再美丽的事物,都不如你莞尔一笑。 No matter how beautiful things are in this world, they are not as good as your smile. 26、永恒的心,是送给等待的人! Eternal heart is for those who wait! 27、你有地图吗?我总是在你的眼神里迷路。 Do you have a map? I always get lost in your eyes. 28、只爱你三天,昨天,今天,明天。 Only love you three days, yesterday, today, tomorrow. 29、我说过要保护你,要包容你的坏坏脾气。 I said to protect you, to tolerate your bad temper. 30、我爱你不只是说说,这份爱会是一辈子。 I love you more than just say, this love will be a lifetime. 31、我比谁都肤浅,所以爱你,比谁都认真。 I am more superficial than anyone, so I love you more seriously than anyone else. 32、我一直爱你,不需要被节日赋予特殊的意义。 I love you all the time. I don't need to be given special meaning by festivals. 33、喜欢看你,如春风般的笑容。 Like to see you, such as the spring breeze smile. 34、我爱你,期望你吉祥如意。 I love you and hope you will be lucky. 35、爱,就是一种平淡的幸福! Love is a kind of plain happiness! 36、送你整片星空,让你的余生有星河为伴。 Send you the whole starry sky, let you have the star river for the rest of your life. 37、你给我一点暧昧,我就想好了我们的一生。 You give me a little ambiguity, I think about our life. 38、我没有别的方法,我就有爱。 I have no other way, I have love. 39、爱你,是我做过最美的事。 Love you is the most beautiful thing I have ever done. 40、喜欢你,始于初见,陷于陪伴,终于白首。 Like you, from the first meeting, trapped in company, finally white head. 41、今夜,东风破百里,我只喜欢你。 Tonight, the east wind breaks through a hundred Li, I only like you. 42、我和风都很想你,却不能和风一起去看你。 I miss you very much with the wind, but I can't go to see you with the wind. 43、爱你这件事,我就没有退缩过。 Love you this matter, I did not shrink back. 44、天涯海角,只要与你在一起。 Ends of the earth, as long as with you. 45、太像的两个人不是特别相爱就是互相伤害。 Two people who are too similar are either in love or hurt each other. 46、看到你的美貌,让我心里蹦蹦乱跳。 Seeing your beauty makes my heart jump. 47、邂逅过的梦醒之余,却忘了该如何解脱。 When I woke up, I forgot how to extricate myself. 48、我不是嫉妒他的过去,我只是很难过。 I'm not jealous of his past, I'm just sad. 49、希望你满目星河,却唯独向我。 I hope you look at the stars, but only to me. 50、怎么还不睡,想你想到睡不着。 Why do not sleep, think you can not sleep. 51、情不知所起,缘不问何灭。 I don't know where to start, but why not ask. 52、自己的媳妇,哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。 Their daughter-in-law, coax used to not lose face, this is called love. 53、从天堂到地狱,我只是路过人间。 From heaven to hell, I'm just passing by. 54、等待,一个永远没有归期的人。 Waiting, a person who will never return. 55、男人,除了我你不许看别人。 Man, you are not allowed to look at other people except me. 56、希望生活有惊喜,也希望喜欢有回应。 I hope there will be surprises in life, and I hope I will like to have a response. 57、心眼很小,除了你,再也容不下别人了。 My heart is very small. I can't accommodate others except you. 58、山有木兮釉有意,昨夜星辰恰似你。 The mountain has wood and glaze. Last night, the stars are just like you. 59、为了节约用水,以后可以一起洗澡吗。 In order to save water, can we take a bath together in the future. 60、希望能像个孩子,永远陪伴你左右。 Hope to be like a child, always accompany you around.






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